Wait, What did you say?

Welcome Back!

It's been a LONG while!

Since, #wwad has been on a break a lot has changed. My thinking, my friends, my job, car, everything!!! And none of that would be possible without God moving mountains! With that being said of course that's who we'll be talking about today.

This week God has been dealing with me about my words matching my actions and his heart. For whatever reason my eyes have been open to the power that words have on myself and others. I have learned about word curses & soul ties, that are made through just communication and declarations. And it is bewildering to think about how many times I have said or repeated things and not thought about the consequences.

So real quick I want to explain word curses and soul ties; how to identify them, break them and move on.

Firstly, these word curses come from things that we have said or declared over our own lives or lives of other people. Because we have the power of life and death in our tongues & we eat the fruit of whatever we say (Proverbs 18:21). We must be careful about what we say and to whom. You have the ability to speak life and prosperity over people and the power to speak the exact opposite. Which do you want on your hands? Same goes with Soul Ties, if you're in a relationship, situationship, friendship and the two of you say things like "I can't live without you, you complete me, I'd be lost without you." And then for whatever reason the relationship disintegrates and you're left feeling, incomplete, lost & dead. You spoke those things and now that's your fruit. And it's no so much that you've said these things but it's that you've given the devil a place to kick it, a place to hang out. God should complete you, the Holy spirit should be leading you so you're not lost, Jesus died for us so that no one else would have to. And instead of giving God that space or place in your life; you've push God off his throne and said "no I want Sally or John to sit here because he/she's important now."

I hope this is making sense.

Now this does not have to be the end, you don't have to stay broken, lost or incomplete. You can absolutely break these curses. You have to repent for replacing God; for allowing others opinions, thoughts and idea to over take His will for you. I'm attaching this prayer for you to pray that I feel cover all the bases.

"Father, I ask you first to forgive me for my sins and cleanse me from any area where I have allowed the devil to enter my life.  I renounce any involvement with the works of darkness.  In the name of Jesus, I now cancel every curse, and Father, I ask you to forgive the people who have spoken them against me. I thank you that those curses will no longer operate against me.  In Jesus’ name, they are broken right now, by the power of Almighty God. I cancel every evil  that was spoken against me and by me and ask you to cover me and my family with your protection according to your Word in Psalm 91.”Amen

 Our words should have a purpose, even outside of word curses and soul ties. We have to be vigilant with the conversations we have on a daily basis God still wants everyday conversations to be productive too.

Matthew 12:36-37 says: But I tell you that everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.

I want to be acquitted when it's time for me to go to heaven. I do not want the Lord to look at me and bring up any conversations that I had that were unpleasing to him. I also want my words to be uplifting the people I am around, not tearing them down or making them feel as if I sanction hateful words or actions. I want to fill the people I am with, with good things. Proverbs 18:20 says: From the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lip they are satisfied. It's the same thing as when you leave a dinner party with friends and you feel all warm inside; you feel full, not just from the food, but from the conversation and the company. You feel uplifted, enlightened. That's what I want when people leave me. I don't want them to feel depleted, as if I have sucked the life or the good things out of them.

So this week I challenge you to be mindful of the things you've said, the people you've encountered and how God feels about all of those things! Ask God for help in this area. Psalm 141:3 Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. Ask God to make you aware of your conversations so that they may be pleasing in his sight throughout the week and he will surely remind you. 

Thanks for coming back, I've missed you guys! 


