Know yourself


To thine own self be true- Act I, Scene III - Hamlet-Shakespeare

Know yourself, know your wealth - 0 to 100 - Drake


"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord." "They are plans to for good and not disaster, to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 


If all these people are saying you're important and you deserve good things why settle for less than that? Knowing your limits is important. Obeying what your limits are is something different.

Secret #7

Knowing when you're supposed to put your self first.

Many people reading this I'm sure are kind, caring and giving people. And I'm sure at one point or another you've had to be told when to take care of yourself first. Whether that's because of your upbringing, your responsibilities or your self esteem. You believe that others should feel special and you'll be taken care of eventually.


This can be detrimental ...


My mother is a social worker and I majored in Family Science both of our degrees expressed the importance of self care. They specified making it a point to take time for yourself throughout your day, week & life. Failing to do so leads to burnout, depression and even callousness. You'll begin to forget why you take care or help others in the first place. Knowing your limits before you reach your breaking point will elongate the good you're able to do.


Failing to obey your limits could cut short to the good you're doing. You'll second guess why you're helping and want to quit.  Here are a few self care activities, to help you along the way! 

1. Take a day off

2. Find a hobby

3. Try a new activity

4. Partake in a mini spa day

5. Request more training at work

6. See a therapist

7. Cut back your hours

8. Go enjoy nature

9. Do some volunteer work

10. Take a step back to see how much you've helped  


You should partake in these when you feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, or overworked. You should partake at least once a week honestly. Don't wait until you're fed up with everyone and everything to stop and embrace your worth. Don't wait until you resent your job, family or friends to step back and care for you. Take care of yourself, you are important, you are valuable.  


