Be Selfish


As I sit here comparing my life to my peers,which I shouldn't. I think well, I'm not married, I'm not a parent, I'm not in a committed relationship. I'm "old" why haven't any of these things happened for me yet. And then for whatever reason I think of my responsibilities.

Let's list them:
1. Me
2. ......?
That's it, Just ME!

So what now, I'm my only responsibility! Next, I examine what my calling is and what I'm doing to carry that out. 

Let's list a few things that I consider my calling or my purpose:
1. Worship
2. Children/teens (w/ & w/o special needs)
3. Helping (in general)

I'm currently working in all of these areas. However, am I actively working in these areas? Am I giving my best effort? And the answer is no. I could be doing a lot more and should be.

Here's my train of thought, as a single person with limited responsibilities, whose else is better suited to put their all into all of these things I listed above. I feel as a parent or married person you have other responsibilities or people to care for that need your attention.

So I've decided to stop comparing and honestly sometimes complaining, about the things I feel should be happening in my life. And instead focus on the opportunity I have to minister, volunteer, serve and live without hesitation!

I encourage other single 20/30 something's, to focus on what you can do in the meantime. Because once those things change; once you've had children, been married, etc, you're unable to drop everything and serve. Once you become connected to someone for the long haul you've got to take into consideration their schedule or their feelings. This is the perfect time to be selfish and do ALL the thing that YOU want to do, when you want to do them!


Be Selfish

Join a Ministry
Get a hobby
Learn a new language
Explore something or somewhere new!
Build your credit
Buy a house or two
Pay of your car/s
Be debt free

Being a single Adult can be a great time, if you use it correctly! That's my plan from now until ... 



P.S. Wednesday's will be Vlog days!!!! The first Vlog, once edited, will be from my dear friend Priscilla! I can't wait for you all to see it!
