Are you there yet?


In the future, you'll see me mention something called a social clock, or society's time clock. Understand that this phrase is important but following this idea is not. Lets break it down.

Society has placed humans, animals, diseases and anything living or dead on a timed schedule. You-live- You-die and everything in between can be found on a chart with the appropriate age, gender and duration applied. If we pay attention to these charts created by people like Erikson or Freud we will doubt the entire purpose of our lives. What we know for certain is therapist and scientist alike have all observed people from birth to death and say at this age,young adulthood,that our main goal is identity. It is finding ourselves, finding our place and then operating in that. We want to know, Why am I here and What am I supposed to be doing?

Unknowingly, we begin to live our lives based off these charts or at least we try to. I first noticed my chart wasn't adding up when it took me 5 years to get a 4 year degree. Which by the way shouldn't be called a 4 year degree. It takes as long as it takes and that's normal. I noticed again, when I had made it all the way through college without a boyfriend or fiance. Based on this clock or chart, the year I graduated was supposed to be the year my "Honey" proposed or we got married or both. But here I am a proud University of Kentucky alumni with no Beau. Have I failed? What went wrong? Did I MISS my man? My entire senior class from high school are all parents, wives, husbands or expecting!! Now before I jump down what could be several rabbit holes, let me explain...
I am not here to compare myself to anyone else and neither are any of you!

Which brings us to this point:
Secret #2 
Make a plan

My suggestion to you is create your own life chart, again it's your life! Find out what you want to do and DO IT! You have your whole life in front of you! My mother went back to school in her 40's! My grandmother is going and she's in her 60's! I left all of my friends & family and moved across the country! You have time to figure out what you're supposed to be doing. What I want you to take away is, if you're happy with you, then you're doing it right. You are the time keeper, the judge, the ruler of your destiny! Just like the way we tell time has evolved, it's time for the way we scheduled our lives to change. Make a plan and live it confidently!

I have experienced a lot of things that seemed random and seemed like they couldn't be helpful in the least bit, turn around and be used for a bigger purpose. I just believe everything isn't always as it seems and everything you're going through will eventually help you or someone else through something similar. However, that's my faith and not necessarily yours! I use my faith to guide my decisions, if that's not you so be it!

Jeremiah 29:11 
For I know the plans I have you, "declare the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Romans 8:28.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


  1. This is very good, proud of you!!

  2. i❤️This Porch-ah!!! I love how you're using vocabulary from our 254 class����. You know you hit the nail on the head when you mention graduating outside of what's socially know as a "4-year" college. Not to mention the different ages that go to college, and society expects us to be wives by now and mothers, but do they mention the divorce rate or "grand families" because you need duo-income nowadays to raise one lil child!?! That is all. Great job!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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