Secrets.Questions. Answers.


I promise to provide quick answers to raised questions. I promise to be honest. I promise to be consistent!

My goal is to expose the hidden secrets of our generation... before you start thinking of voice scramblers and pixelated faces.. PAUSE.. The secrets I'm referring to have nothing to do with national security or secret emails! These secrets aren't really secrets; how to successfully obtain these things... that's the secret.

Secret #1

Grow up!

I say this is number one because HOW. Just How am I supposed to Grow Up and what is your definition of grow up? Is it...

  • A drivers license?
  • A diploma(s)
  • A place to call your own?
  • A career?


Make your own definition! That's the answer, that's what an ADULT would do. They wouldn't wait for someone to tell them "Okay, now you're grown!" An adult sees what they want/need to accomplish in order to become a better person & they do what's necessary to achieve that! 

Our generation is stuck using someone else's definition of GROWING UP whether it be when you get a career, a diploma, a spouse or things of that nature. Times up! Make your own definition, you're grown because you handle YOUR business! 

Now Go ... Grow Up YOUR WAY! 
